Frontline Alternative Medicine

Look good, feel good, do good

If you suffer from low energy levels, lack of libido, weight gain problems, fatigue, and lethargy, Frontline Alternative can help.

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Frontline Alternative Medicine is an established hormone replacement therapy and wellness service provider in the industry for both men and women. If your aim is to restore lost vitality, energy, and increase health, Frontline Alternative Medicine is ready to help through personalized alternative therapies.



Why Do You Need Hormonal Replacement Therapy?

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How Do Low Testosterone Levels Affect You?

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Adopting an Innovative Approach to Restore Your Vitality, Health, and Wellness

Frontline Alternative Medicine is an established hormone replacement therapy and wellness service provider in the industry for both men and women. We aim to restore the lost vitality, energy, and health of the individuals through personalized alternative therapies. Our services help to address the health, sexual, and wellness issues of both men and women, which enable them to regain their youthful vitality. As we are specialists in providing telemedicine services especially those men and women who need hormone and testosterone replacement therapy.

Step 1 : Assessment of Health Conditions

When you contact us for your health concerns, our expert performs a detailed consultation, which includes medical history, and laboratory tests to identify the root cause.

Step 2 : Personalized Treatment Plan

Once we get a clear picture of your health condition, we discuss it with you and develop a personalized treatment plan that specifically targets your health concerns.

Step 3: Determine the Regimen of Treatment

The regimen of treatment depends on your particular concerns and individual needs. Patients who need hormonal or testosterone replacement therapy need to visit us every 7-10 weeks, while for other conditions, our expert determines the frequency of visit.

Step 4: Treatment Optimization

As your treatment is underway, our medical specialist stays up-to-date with your progress via feedback and follow-up appointments to optimize your treatment plan accordingly. This helps in maximizing your overall health and wellness.

What do we offer

If you suffer from low energy levels, lack of libido, weight gain problems, fatigue, and lethargy, you need help. These conditions are likely to be a result of hormonal imbalance or low testosterone levels. When any of you suffer from such health conditions, you make poor choices about your lifestyle, which leads to other serious health issues.

Low Testosterone or Hormone Infographic

Frontline Alternative Medicine helps you to exercise control over your health problems before they worsen by offering a wide variety of treatment options.

Frontline Alternative offers:

  • Wellness therapies
  • Testosterone replacement therapy
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Sexual health
  • Laboratory testing
  • Weight-loss

FitSnitch Mobile Application

FitSnitch is looking for Beta testers! Beta testing is beginning soon.

FitSnitch is a mobile application for Fitness Coaches and clients to help promote healthy food choices when eating out. FitSnitch is still in the development cycle and will be looking for Beta testers soon. Click the link below to find out more or sign up today


If you are wondering if Frontline is right for you, listen to what some of our customer have to say.


New and looking for some information? Contact Frontline Alternative Medicine today and we can help get you started!

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Weekdays between 8am - 4pm CST.

Click or Call 877-I-GOT-LOWT today!

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10300 Heritage ST, Suite 240 San Antonio Tx 78216